Copy Tests, Dark Theme Upgrade, And UI Improvements

Copy Tests And Suites

We are glad to introduce you new functionality Copy Test and Suites! You know that situations when you need to create similar tests but you don't want to create them from the scratch. You want to copy the test and change it. Now you can do this! Copy a test or a suite to the current project or to another project with one click.


Search Your Changes by Date in Pulse

There may be many changes in tests and suites on the project. So you may need to search some data by date or period when the changes could have been done. This is possible with the new Pulse feature Date filter. You need to open Filters under the filter button and set up the date range for the search.


Dark Theme For Dashboards And Global Analytics

We know that a lot of users prefer Dark mode for daily use. This time we expanded Dark mode, so you can join the dark side completely 😈 Check it out now!


Resize Detail View Screen

With this release we added more flexibility to our UI. Now you can resize Detail View Screens due to your needs.


Filter Tests For Ongoing Run

Another nice detail is filter by pressing on progress bar for ongoing Test Run. Track your progress in real time!


Launch Tests Directly From The Suite

We strive to elevate the testing process. At present, our Team improved the Run tests option from a suite. Now you can launch a test run directly on the Tests page for a definite suite. On this will analyze and suggest to autogenerate manual, automated, or mixed test plan depending on tests placed in this suite and will launch tests.


Run Tests In CI From Jira

With this release we upgreted Jira plugin as well. You are definitely familiar with Jira plugin and know that you can launch and run your manual tests directly in Jira. For now you can launch automated tests linked to User Story on CI. Namely, you don't need to open project to launch automated tests on CI, you can pick CI profile saved in


Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Playwright Artifacts duplicating when launching run in Parallel
  • Jira plugin does not show the run created and linked from Testomat
  • Show attachment during manual tests execution for BDD projects
  • Snippets disappear after Refresh Steps job is run
  • Added explanation for 404 error when redirect user from Jira
  • Make "Testomatio" word in nav to link to projects
  • Test CI Connection does not give enough information in case of failure
  • Artifacts issue with minio s3 bucket integration
  • Import all Steps columns' data when importing from a TestRail
  • Improved Pulse performance
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!
Testomatio Team

Testomatio Team