Release. Simplified Test Suite Organization, Google Auth for JIRA Plugin, and Version Control

Simplified Creation of Test Suites and Folders

Experience unparalleled ease and organization in test suite management with our feature that simplifies the creation of test suites and folders by separating them. Effortlessly structure your test suites and categorize them into logical folders, empowering your team to efficiently manage test assets and navigate through your test suite hierarchy with ease.

Our solution provides a straightforward process for creating test suites and folders separately, allowing you to build a well-organized test suite structure effortlessly. First, create logical folders to represent different categories or modules within your application. Then, within each folder, create test suites that contain the relevant test cases. This separation enables you to maintain a clear and hierarchical arrangement of your test assets.


Google Authorization for Jira Plugin

Integrate with your Google account using our Jira Plugin's Google Authorization feature. Simplify the authentication process and enhance security by leveraging your existing Google credentials to access and manage your Jira projects effortlessly. Jira Plugin's Google Authorization feature enables you to link your Google account with your Jira instance. By granting authorization, you gain seamless access to Jira, eliminating the need for separate login credentials. Once authenticated, you can effortlessly navigate Jira, manage projects, and collaborate with Testomat team members.


Test Description Versioning

With our Test Description Versioning feature, each time you make updates or modifications to a test description, a new version is automatically created and linked to the previous one. This enables you to compare different versions side by side, easily identifying the changes made and understanding the evolution of your test cases over time.


Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Issue when setup Newman and Json as Testing Framework/language in the settings of the project
  • Issue when selecting a Folder should select all sub-folders
  • Freeze when opening tests in Test tree
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Testomatio Team

Testomatio Team