Release. Select All Test Runs in RunGroups and More Updates

Select All Test Runs In RunGroups

With the "Select All" option, you can effortlessly choose entire RunGroups, ensuring that all relevant test runs are included in your testing cycles you can move, label, merge, or compare all of them.


Improved Editor Performance 🚀

Experience faster loading times with our improved editor performance. Your editing tests will be smoother and more efficient than ever before, enhancing your overall testing workflow.

Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Improved first editor loading performace
  • Executed 0 automated tests in slack notification in case if user use TESTOMATIO_RUNGROUP_TITLE= as a parameter to launch tests
  • Tests that time out not appearing in the Testomat report
  • Billing user is treated as paid user when upgrading from Free plan
  • Asterisk sign is doubled when adding a snippet in Editor
  • While opening the sidebar with diagrams in Runs, the text in "run" window crawls into one pile
  • Jira ticket linked to test run is not shown on the UI of Testomat
  • Option to unlink a Test Plan

Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy these enhancements to your testing workflow. Stay tuned for more exciting updates on the horizon!

🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!
Testomatio Team

Testomatio Team