Release. Full WebdriverIO Support, Track And Restore, Run Tests In Jira

Full WebdriverIO Support + Artifacts 🤖

Our Team is glad to introduce full support for WebdriverIO 🎉 Namely you can import your tests created with Wdio, run them from and get Artifacts for failed tests. You can find more info about report and artifacts for wdio.

Check more details on the video

Pulse: Track Changes Across Your Project ⚡

Every project is changing during development lifecycle so tests should be changed as well. Tracking changes for tests and suites may be really helpful in testing process as far as you can revise tests' versions and states at any time. For this purpose, we implemented the Pulse feature. You can easily keep in sight of all tests and suites updates across the project. Namely, it tracks:

  1. imports from source code and CSV
  2. test and suite creation
  3. changing of test or suite
  4. changing tests statuses
  5. test and suite removal
  6. bulk edit actions

In future releases we plan to implement tracking changes in the project settings and more 🤩

See how it works on this video

Restore Your Tests And Suites 📤

With this release Team delivered Restore option. From now you can be sure that your work won't be lost! saves deleted data for 90 days, so you can go to Pulse and Restore a Test or a Suite. This feature is available in Professional and Enterprice plans.

Tests Execution Directly From Jira Plugin 🤸

We keep going on improving plugin for Jira. This time we added a Manual Run feature. This means that you can launch and execute your tests manually directly from your Jira issue. Linked tests will be shown as a checklist. Once the Run is completed will create a Run Report in your project so you won't miss anything. This feature is intended to make testing daily routine easier. For instance you can execute daily smoke tests from your Jira, so you don't need to do additional actions in test management system - will create Run Report for you.

Check out full details on video
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!