Release. Enhanced Security & Sharing Control, Efficient Data Exports, and Run Group Notifications

Share Options Control

We're excited to introduce a new feature that empowers you to have granular control over sharing options within Testomat. With this enhancement, you can manage and customize sharing permissions for public reports and living documentation, both on a company-wide level and at the project level.

Company-Wide Control: Company Owners can configure global sharing options, granting or restricting the ability to share reports and data across the entire organization.
Project-Level Configuration: Sharing options can be tailored for each individual project within the company, ensuring flexibility and customization.

Our advanced Share Options Control feature prioritizes data security, enabling you to maintain the utmost control over sharing while providing flexibility for your organization. With granular permissions, both at the company and project levels, you can ensure that your sensitive data remains protected while still meeting your collaboration needs.

Authenticated Run Reports

This time we empovered Run Reports security with new features:

Expiry Date: You now have the ability to set an expiry date for public run reports, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected and accessible only for a defined period.
Passcode Protection: Enhance the security of your public run reports by requiring users to enter a passcode to access the data, providing an added layer of protection.

Overall this feature grants you the flexibility to secure public run reports while managing the duration of access, striking a balance between accessibility and data security.

RunGroups Notifications

With the new "RunGroups Notifications" feature, you can now configure notifications for RunGroups, receiving a single comprehensive email report when all associated test runs are completed. Say goodbye to multiple emails – get all your reports in one place.

This feature promotes better communication among team members by providing a centralized report for a cohesive overview of RunGroup performance.

📩 See how it works here!

Select All Matching Tests and Suites

Now you can select multiple tests and suites that match specific filters with a single click, eliminating the need for manual, one-by-one selection. This feature enhances usability and provides a more user-friendly experience, making it easier to work with large sets of tests and suites.

Please note, when you have 30+ tests you should scroll down to download all tests and then click select all.

Expandable Run Report Chart View

This feature empowers you to control the visibility of run report charts, allowing you to expand or fold them up according to your preferences. By expanding or folding the chart view, you can concentrate on the specific data that is most relevant to your current tasks.

Enhanced Test Export for Large Projects

We're delighted to introduce an improvement in test exporting for large projects. Now, you can seamlessly export tests as a spreadsheet, even for projects with a substantial number of tests, such as those containing up to 70,000 tests. The exported spreadsheet includes all the essential test information, such as suites nesting, priority, tests description, labels & custom fields.

Upgraded TestRail Import

We refined the process for importing project structures and nesting of test suites, ensuring greater accuracy and ease of use. Importing test data from TestRail now provides a more organized and intuitive project structure, making it easier to navigate and manage. It allows for improved nesting of test suites, ensuring that your test suite hierarchy is accurately preserved.

Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Fixed error when creating Jira ticket from Testomat for Jira issues with Jira Fields
  • Added URLs in Spreadsheeet Report for each test
  • Added explanation for Read-only users to Company members page
  • Fixed 404 error when clicking Upgrade in Free project
  • Improved Jira configuration screen with info about Admin rights
  • Fixed steps autocomplete in tests editor
  • Improved UX to manage company and users from project settings
  • Fixed overlap in case of long string in test description
  • Restricted files formats when import tests from other TMS
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!