Release. Enhanced Runs Filtering, Read-Only History Access, Test Import Update

Nested View For Runs Filtering

We've introduced a nested view for filtering Runs, offering users more control and flexibility. With this, users can easily switch between group and list views, enabling them to customize viewing based on preferences and workflow requirements. This enhancement improves runs management, empowering users to navigate through their runs more efficiently. Whether you prefer a grouped or list view, the nested view feature ensures that you have the flexibility to organize and access your runs easily.

Improved Importing Tests With Jira Issues From TestRail

We've improved our TestRail import by adding support for linking imported tests to Jira stories directly within Testomat. Now, when importing tests from TestRail, Testomat will automatically link them to the corresponding Jira stories, providing seamless traceability between your test cases and development tasks. Make sure to link your Jira project first using our dedicated user guide.

Historical Data For Read-Only Users

We've enhanced the capabilities of read-only users by granting them access to historical data in the Test and Suite History tabs. Previously, these tabs were inaccessible to read-only users, but with this update, we've expanded the read-only role to include access to historical data. Now, read-only users can view the history of tests and suites, gain insights, and track changes over time. This enhancement ensures that all team members, regardless of their role, have access to valuable historical information.

Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Fixed disappeared test attachments in Run Report
  • Fixed blocked plans page by the wrong query
  • Fixed test counters in manual run when tests set to none status
  • Improved drag-n-drop behavior for tests
  • Improved reporting tests with @Test-abc_1234 format
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!