Release. Bitbucket and TeamCity Integration, Jira Plugin, And More Updates

Bitbucket CI Integration

We’ve introduced Bitbucket CI integration, allowing you to connect your Bitbucket account with your Testomat project and launch tests directly from Testomat. This integration streamlines the testing process within your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring smooth automation workflows.

Bitbucket CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) helps teams automate testing and deployment tasks, enabling faster and more efficient software delivery. With this integration, you can easily trigger tests, review results, and manage deployments, all within a unified platform.

See how it works here


TeamCity CI Integration

We’ve introduced TeamCity CI integration, enabling you to connect your TeamCity account with your Testomat project and launch tests directly from Testomat. This integration enhances your CI/CD workflow, simplifying the automation and testing process within TeamCity.

TeamCity CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) is a build management and continuous integration tool by JetBrains. It automates the build, test, and deployment processes, ensuring rapid and reliable software delivery. By integrating TeamCity with Testomat, you can efficiently run tests, monitor results, and optimize your development pipeline.

See how it works here


Tests Reporting Refinement 📈

Enriched Automated Test Run History

We’ve enhanced the Automated Test Run History view to provide more detailed insights. Now, users can see retries and linked defects associated with each test run. This feature improves traceability and helps you better analyze test performance by showing the full history of test retries and defect associations within a test run.


Enhanced Test Runs Archive Filtering

We’ve upgraded the Test Runs Archive with the ability to apply multiple field filters concurrently. This enhancement allows users to efficiently narrow down records by applying several criteria at once, improving the speed and ease of data retrieval. Now, users can refine their search more precisely, reducing time spent on manual selection.


Improved Naming for Linking Test Results to Issues

We've updated the terminology for associating test results with issues. Instead of using "Create Defect" the action is now called "Link Defect".


URL Filters for Test Runs

We’ve added the ability to generate unique URLs for specific Test Runs search results. Now, you can share your filtered test run data directly with team members or stakeholders via a URL, providing quick access to detailed test results without needing to navigate through the platform. This makes collaboration and data sharing more efficient and straightforward.


Test Result Message Filter

We’ve added a new feature that allows users to filter test runs by the test result message. This enhancement helps users differentiate between tests with similar statuses by searching for specific test result messages, providing a more refined analysis of test results.


Analytics Advancements 📊

Enhanced Labels Analytics Widget With Filters

The Labels Analytics widget has been enriched with additional filters to provide deeper insights into test management.

Now, when you open a label detail view, you can:

  • Select View Strategy:
    • By Tests: Displays all tests created in the project with this label
    • By Runs: Displays only run results with this label
  • Search Field: Search for specific tests containing the label by title
  • Filter by Tags: Narrow down tests by their tags
  • Filter by Priority: Focus on tests labeled with different priority levels
  • Filter by Jira Issue: Find tests linked to specific Jira issues

This enhancement offers a more detailed view of label performance and test status, streamlining project tracking.


Shareable Timeline URLs

We’ve added the ability to generate shareable URLs for Custom Charts timelines. Now, users can quickly copy and share timeline information with others. This feature simplifies collaboration by allowing team members and stakeholders to access the timeline data directly without navigating through the platform.


Custom Chart Timelines Visualization

We’ve enhanced our Custom Chart Timelines by introducing new visualization options. Now, when editing a custom chart, users can select different types of timeline visualizations, providing more flexibility in how data is presented and making it easier to interpret trends over time.


Timelines Pagination Enhancement

We’ve added a time period display on the Timelines pagination, allowing users to clearly see the date range for each page. This makes it easier to navigate through timeline data and understand the specific time intervals being viewed.


Display Search Query Titles in Timeline

We've enhanced the Timeline feature to improve clarity by allowing users to display the title of a search query instead of the raw query. This makes it easier for team members to understand the data presented on the timeline chart. Additionally, users can now choose between displaying the query or its title, ensuring more readable and meaningful timelines for all stakeholders.


Management Improvements 🧑‍💼

Timezone Settings for Projects

We resolved an issue where incorrect timestamps were displayed in the title of Run Reports due to timezone discrepancies. A new Timezone setting has been added at the project level, allowing users with the Manager role to set a specific timezone for their projects.

To set a project timezone: Open a project > Go to Settings > Project > Administration > Navigate to Timezone > Select your preferred timezone from the drop-down > Click Update

Export Company User List

We’ve introduced an option to export the company user list (including name, email, status, role, and last login). Company owners and managers can now export this list in CSV format, providing a clear view of all active users within the company.


Project Management Fix for Manager Role

We fixed an issue affecting users with the Manager role, who previously encountered errors when managing projects on the Company Projects page. Now, managers can efficiently manage projects without any issues, ensuring smooth operations and enhanced functionality for this user role.


Quick Access for Company Owners

Company Owners now have quicker access to all projects within the company. A dedicated message has been added to the main dashboard UI, allowing direct navigation to the Project Management page.


Jira Plugin Enhancements 🖇️

Jira Sub-Task Creation from Testomat UI

We’ve added the ability to create a Jira sub-task directly from Testomat UI. Now, when linking tests or suites to a Jira issue in Testomat, you can efficiently create a sub-task, streamlining your workflow and enhancing issue tracking.


Improved Test Description Display in Jira Plugin

In the Jira plugin, test descriptions are now displayed in preview mode rather than markdown format.


Tooltip for Full Test Case Title in Jira Plugin

We’ve added a tooltip feature in the Jira plugin to display the full test case title upon hovering. Previously, long test titles required extra clicks to view, especially when dealing with multiple test cases. This improvement streamlines test case reviews by reducing unnecessary clicks, allowing you to see the entire title in one glance.


Images in Jira Plugin Test Description Preview

We've improved the Jira plugin by adding support for displaying images in test description previews. Now, when viewing test descriptions within Jira, any images included in the description will be shown directly in the preview.


Improved Jira Plugin Test Updates

We've enhanced the Jira plugin to better handle test updates. This improvement includes:

  • Unlinking Tests: Fixed issues with unlinking tests from Jira issues.
  • Linking Tests: Resolved problems with linking tests to Jira issues, especially when creating tests within a linked suite.

These updates ensure smoother management of test links and issues in Jira.

Test Design Betterments 🖍️

Cross-Linking Tests, Suites, and Folders with Previews

We’ve added the ability to insert test, suite, or folder IDs directly into the description of another test or suite. This enhancement allows you to create clickable links to other tests or suites within your project. When you click these links, a preview of the linked item appears. This feature provides seamless navigation and enhances connectivity between related tests, suites, and folders.


Labels Sorting in Alphabetic Order

We've added sorting feature for labels, allowing you to organize them alphabetically. When applying labels, you can now sort them in ascending order, making it easier to find and manage your labels.


Cancel Button in Discard Changes Pop-Up

We've introduced a Cancel button to the discard changes pop-up. If you accidentally close a test while editing, you'll see a pop-up asking if you want to save changes or discard them. With this update, you can choose to Cancel and continue working in the test editor without losing your progress.


Copy Test Description Placement Update

We’ve adjusted the placement of the "Copy test description" option for a cleaner UI. Now, simply hover over the description tab to trigger the copy button. This keeps the test description area more organized and visually appealing.


We've enhanced the emoji picker by adding a search feature. Now, when assigning an emoji to suites and folders, you can quickly search and find the perfect emoji, making it easier to organize and visually differentiate your test structure.


Previously, when users clicked on a shared link, they were redirected to the login page, and after logging in, they were taken to the projects dashboard instead of the intended shared link. Now, Testomat has streamlined this process. Users who navigate via a shared link will be redirected directly to the intended page after logging in, improving efficiency and user experience.

JUnit Test Placement with Suite IDs

In response to user requests, we have enhanced Testomat Reporter to allow more intuitive test organization. Now, when creating JUnit tests, you can match them directly with specific suites using suite IDs, similar to how you use test IDs.

This feature allows you to build a human-readable test tree structure within Testomat UI. Simply set the suite ID to place the test inside the corresponding suite, providing a clearer and more structured way to manage your tests and suites. More details here.

Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Fixed restoring tests deleted in the branch
  • Improved TESTOMATIO_PREPEND_DIR suites placement
  • Fixed test search results counters for Tests page
  • Fixed uploading multiple images to a test
  • Fixed suite labels assignment to tests created with Bulk create
  • Improved pages navigation in Jira plugin
  • Improved associated tests project navigation in Jira plugin
  • Increased font size for Jira links
  • Fixed test plans search multiselect for Multi Env runs
  • Fixed search results for nested tests in run reports
  • Fixed tooltip for main navigation menu items
  • Fixed Read-only user's access to Custom Charts, test editor, and templates
  • Improved test attachments icons display in test description - smaller icons
  • Improved copying the code from a test case description - no triple backticks (```)
  • Fixed test description display when editing test on during test execution
  • Fixed company name display entered with low register
  • Fixed search in run reports
  • Enhanced company members display with showing paused users
  • Fixed importing tags from xlsx files in Testomatio format
  • Improved flaky widget performance by limiting results to 100 latest runs
  • Fixed rate limit error when bulk label assignment
  • Fixed Run duration for JUnit tests
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!
Testomatio Team

Testomatio Team