Release. Better Test Assignment, Manual Runs Improvements

Expanded Real-Time Filtering for Live Test Runs

We've enhanced the summary and report screen during live test runs by adding advanced filtering capabilities. Users can now filter linked defects, access suite analytics, and search through test data in real-time without waiting for the test run to finish. This improvement allows for better monitoring and decision-making during ongoing tests, enhancing overall test run management.


Track All Test Case State Changes During a Run

You can now view the entire history of state changes for each test case within a live test run. Whether a test case is marked as passed, failed (with comments), or updated multiple times during execution, all status transitions are captured and displayed. This allows you to track the full evolution of test case statuses in real-time, making it easier to understand changes and context during ongoing test runs.


Bulk Test Assignment in Ongoing Test Runs

We added a bulk test assignment feature to ongoing test runs. Users can now activate multiselect mode, choose multiple tests, and assign them to a specific user all at once, simplifying the task management process during test runs.


Bulk Result Message Addition for Tests in Ongoing Run

In this new feature, users can now add a result message to multiple tests in bulk during an ongoing test run. By enabling multi-selection mode, users can select multiple tests and apply a single result message across all selected tests in one action. This improvement streamlines the process of managing test results, saving time and ensuring consistency across multiple tests.


Suite and Folder Positions Stability

We've enhanced the drag-and-drop functionality for suites and folders. Now, when you arrange items within your project, their positions are saved, ensuring everything stays in place without any unexpected movements.

We introduced a new operator in [...] that checks whether a value is part of a specified list. For instance, you can use tags in ['tag1', 'tag2'] to filter tests that are tagged with either tag1 or tag2. This operator is particularly useful for narrowing down results based on multiple criteria within a list, such as tags, labels, etc.


Improved Closing for Dialogs in Detail-View

We enhanced the detail-view component in response to user feedback regarding the closing dialog. Previously, the 'X [esc]' method was seen as non-standard. We've now introduced a more familiar UI by adding a close button to the top-right corner, improving usability and reducing confusion for a smoother experience.


Updated 'Unknown User' Label for Unassigned Test Creators

We improved the naming for "unknown user" in the system. Previously, if a test didn't have a creator, it displayed "deleted user," which could cause confusion. Now, such cases will show "unknown user" instead, making it clearer when the creator is unidentified.

Updated Flaky Test Analytics

The updated Flaky Analytics widget in Testomat allows users to track flaky tests more effectively by offering better insights. It now includes improved visualizations and filtering options to help teams quickly identify tests with inconsistent pass rates within specified thresholds, making it easier to address test instability issues.

Find more details here

Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Improved UX for saving tests during ongoing run
  • Improved test case counters for nested suites after copying folders
  • Fixed labels filter list navigation
  • Fixed automated tests duplication
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!
Testomatio Team

Testomatio Team