Linear Integration, Labels Statistics, And More Improvements

Linear Integration

We're excited to announce that our Test Management System now integrates with Linear! With this integration, our users can streamline their testing processes and improve collaboration with their development teams. You can link your tests and suites to Linear and create defects during manual tests execution. By pulling data from both systems, users can get a complete view of the testing process, including test case results, bug reports, and project status, all in one place.

We believe that this integration will help our users be more productive and efficient, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on their work.

So go ahead and see how it works!!

Labels and Custom Fields Statistics

Last time we introduced Labels and Custom Fields feature. This time we are glad to introduce our new analytic widget, which is based on tests run results and applied Labels and Custom Fields. This new feature provides teams with a powerful way to organize and track their testing efforts, and generate custom reports that show how different types of tests are performing. Also, it gives teams the ability to filter results by different parameters, such as testing environments and tags. This allows teams to get a more granular view of their testing efforts and identify any issues that are specific to certain environments or tags.

The new analytic widget builds on these features by providing teams with a way to generate custom reports that show how different types of tests are performing based on various criteria.

Improved Mocha Reporting With Testomatio Reporter v 0.7.5

Our Team strives to bring best test reporting experience. Testomatio Reporter, our tool used for generating automated test reports, has recently updated its support for reporting Mocha tests. The update ensures that all test statuses are passed correctly, providing developers and QA professionals with more reliable information on the health of their codebase.

Go ahead and update Testomatio Reporter v 0.7.5 to get the best.

Filter Your Test Run Results With Comments And Linked Defects

With this release expanded reporting capabilities by adding new filters for Run Report, so you can filter run results to see tests with comment or linked defect. Combine run report filters to get as much views as you need.

Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • Moved Multiselection toggler
  • Adding multiple Jira IDs for Linkage
  • Import manual tests from source code by a tag
  • Improved numbering in ordered list in Test Editor
  • Variable value containing commas are not displayed with the select box in CI
  • Fixed Runs filtering
  • Fixed test IDs duplication with check-tests v 0.8.5
  • Fixed BDD Feature Files restore
  • Improved copying test IDs in Testomat UI
  • Import Labels and Custom Fields from Testomat XLSX
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!