Dark Theme, JUnit Support, Global Company Dashboard And More

Dark Theme For Projects 🖤

Great news! Testomat.io Team is glad to deliver Dark theme to UI. Now it is available for projects UI. All your favorite features are available in dark theme. Create, edit, execute and review your tests in your most-liked color scheme. Go to Settings and come to dark side.

JUnit XML Format Support

We implemented xml support for JUnit (JUnit), Python (Pytest), Minitest (Ruby), PHPUnit (PHP). Testomat.io will not only create a run report but also collect all information about tests, including source code, and create tests in a system as regular importer do. The only difference that normal process of Testomat.io import does not require executing tests on import, while importing via repoter requires to have tests executed and XML report provided. Find more details here.

Aggregated Analytics Across All Projects

You should be familiar with Testomat.io Analytics for a project. This time we created aggregated Analytics dashboard that collects data across all your projects within a company. This gives possibility track such metrics as Flaky tests, Success Rate, Slow Tests, Automation Coverage over all projects! Plus filtering by projects and data maturity.

Manage Projects Within Company

Probably you have a lot of projects within a Company and want to be able to manage them on the one page. Now it is possible with Testomat.io Company Projects board. Namely you can change owner, project name, clone project, archieve and delete a project in the one place.

Clone Projects 🐑

Sometimes you may need to copy a project with all tests to start a new testing journey quickly and not to waste any time for copying tests. Maybe you have a set of tests that should be included to another projects, but don't want to copy-paste them. On this purpose we added clone option. Testomatio will clone your project with all tests so you can continue designing new tests without duplicating old ones.

Progress Bar For Manual Test Execution

Our Team goes on to improve Testomat.io UX. A new progress bar for manual execution helps to visualize the current state of the ongoing test run.

Change Company Name

You may need to change your Company name, so we added an option for this. You can change the company name on the Companies page by yourself at any time.

Other Fixes And Improvements 🛠️

  • previous runs now available for existed test in report
  • ability to continue manual test execution in Jira plugin
  • code template for playwright and other test automation frameworks
  • improvements on linking a big amount of tests to Jira issues
  • backgound now populated to description during manual BDD execution
🚀 Create a demo project for free and check all amazing features right now. We look forward to hearing what you think, and what other features we should do!